Sunday, July 26, 2015

Discontinued Lush 2015 Products

I just found out one of my favorite bath bombs, Space Girl, has been discontinued. Apparently this was announced July 19th, but for some reason I just found out last night. I quickly logged on to Lush with the intention to purchase 10 or more of them before they were gone for forever, but it was already too late.
Space Girl from
I'm absolutely heart broken, especially since the week before the announcement I had actually purchased one. I'm disappointed with myself because I was going to get 2 or 3 of them, but decided to only get one and get more around the Christmas haul I'm planning. I figured since I usually take baths in the fall and winter, there was no point to stocking up now. Well, I learned my lesson.

I jumped to Ebay to see if anyone was selling any, and luckily I found a reasonable auction for a total of $10. (I know that's twice the amount Lush charged but compared to the other sellers charging $20 + shipping, so I didn't mind much.) Hopefully that works out & I'll have 2 of these left.

What I'm secretly hoping for is that Lush will keep the scent but redo the design, or maybe even come up with a completely different product (ex. bubble bar version, shower gel, etc.). Because even though I love this scent, I don't particularly care for the glitter or the faint color the water turns. But as long as I get some product with this scent it won't be a total loss. 

If someone from Lush ever reads this, please keep this scent.
An overreacting, sad customer

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lush Cocktail: Blackberry & the Comforter

I've had a rough past couple of days and I've been dying to just lay around and relax. So since today I didn't have work or any plans (besides getting breakfast at Chick-fil-a - treat yourself) I decided it would be a perfect day to try out a Lush cocktail!
Now, this definitely isn't "new" or crazy but it's my first cocktail, and I got to say it's incredible.
Blackberry bath bomb & the Comforter bubble bar

The Comforter is one of my top 5 favorite products from Lush. It's one of the more expensive bubble bars, but it's huge and you can get 4-5 baths from it. The one above I ordered from online is a little smaller, so it's more of a 4 bath bar. If you go in store you can pick out which bar you want, so it would be easy to pick out a 5 bath one. It's scent is described as blackcurrant with bergamot oil, so it's very fruity and a little sweet.
Here's the 1/4th chunk I used for this cocktail
One of the best things about bubble bars is that you don't need much of them to get a great amount of bubbles. I only used a 4th of my Comforter and the tub was filled, even 40 minutes later the tub was still bubbly enough to cover most of the water.
Blackberry smells exactly how you would imagine it would; it's fruity with bergamot oil & frankincense. It was actually one of the first bath bombs I've ever tried (it was either Blackberry or So White) and it is credited as Lush's first bath bomb.
The smell was absolutely amazing, it was like these two products were made to use together. I don't think I'll ever be able to use one of these without the other. I'm not usually impressed with pink water (my first Lush "haul" ended up being all pinky bath bombs) but this color was a very pretty pinky purple. Parts were more magenta pink from the Comforter and parts were a deep purple from Blackberry. 

Side note: A lot of reviews on Lush's site say that Blackberry stains their tubs, but I've never had this problem with the bath bomb and I've used it twice.

It's been about an hour since the bath and I still smell Blackberry on my skin (especially when I make a sudden movement). 
(Sorry the lighting was terrible - but here's the deep purple I was talking about)

Overall I'd say this cocktail would be a 5/5 stars, and I'm going to be stocking up on this bath bomb so I can use this cocktail more often.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Well I'm back, and I'm going to try this again! I plan on posting lots of reviews on hair care, make up, skin care, etc. with some ootd, and clothing hauls sprinkled in. I'll warn you now, I'm obsessed with Lush and will be talking about it far too much for my own good. For now my goal is at least one post a week. I hope you'll stick with me! A July favorites post will be up shortly!